WIB Scavenger Hunt #1: The Golden Race
WIB’s first scavenger hunt race was planned by our co-chair of Fundraising, Devanie! According to our VP of Fundraising, Farrah, Devanie made majority of the clues and delegated the tasks to the rest of the committee. Farrah had nothing to worry about because the planning and execution was left in good hands. Here is what Devanie had to say about planning her very first fundraiser for WIB:
“When my [fundraising] committee and I were putting the clues together, I realized there were so many places in the school that I have never heard of. I was afraid people would get confused and the race would result into a failure. However, we decided to choose the places that people were most likely to be familiar with. The entire committee played a key role in the plan and execution of this event. Nato Jangirashvili, Eunice Lee, and Chloe Larsen were a big help in creating most of the clues, especially Nato, who took the initiative. She was so enthusiastic about helping me plan the event and I would like to thank her for her hard work. I wouldn't have been able to do this without her or anyone else in my committee! I would like to also thank our VP, Farrah, for giving me this amazing opportunity to plan my first fundraising event.”
- Co-chair of Fundraising, Devanie Ramnarine

Part of the Fundraising Committee (Left to Right): Eunice L.,
Melissa L., Farrah G., Devanie R., and Nato J.
The rules of the scavenger hunt were simple, yet participants felt the pressure as they were put in an intense competition against other teams, and the main enemy of all, time.
Once participants had access to the NVC 2-125 room, people started trickling in and settled down. They were served with pizza, soda, cookies, and water. It was suspected by some members that it was a way to weigh people down as running was necessary to win. The scavenger hunt approximately started around 7PM. Seven teams were formed, each with 4-5 members, and they were assigned to either blue or red. The purpose of the color distinction was to mix up the order of destinations that teams must go to in order to collect all of their clues. The teams announced their group names, received their first clue, and the race began.
Every team had a high sense of pride and determination to win. Some WIB members even asked faculty and students around the school for assistance. At one point, a security guard replied that the clue was too hard and that he cannot help. Many members described the event as a huge workout where they ran to 7 different destinations within the Vertical Campus and the library building. Here is some feedback from our participants:
“The scavenger hunt was something completely new that WIB has never done before. It integrated teamwork into competition, which made it even more fun!”
- Executive VP, Genna DeMaria
“The event really revved up my competitive side and reinforced how well my team works together. We won through everyone’s collective effort! I look forward to more of these events in the future. Devanie did an amazing job organizing this fundraiser!”
- VP of Graphics & IT, Christina Law
“We were fashionably late to the final destination, but I loved the team spirit and sassy comments that this event fostered.”
- Co-chair of SYS, Susan Ngo
“The event was full of competition within the vertical building and the library building. In the end, all the running was worth it because my team came in third place and we won cute bracelets.”
- ATHENA’s Mentorship Manager, Jessica Acero
“Being that it was my first scavenger hunt, I actually found it very interesting. While there was an increased competitiveness and need to win, the task relied heavily on teamwork and working together. It was also very fast paced and almost everyone seemed fatigued by the end of it.”
- Assistant of Budget Modifications, Taylor Rochester

Our winners for this spectacular event were “Team Awesome”, “Blues Clues”, and the “Fifty Shades of Grey Hounds”. The prizes were handmade lip scrubs by Devanie, passes for the next fundraiser, and bracelets made by the Fundraising committee. Although only three teams triumphed over the rest, all participants agreed that they had a great experience and were all winners at heart. WIB cannot wait for the next scavenger hunt and another opportunity to bond with other members.