WIB CON: Seal The Deal will take place on Wednesday, November 9 from 4:00pm to 7:00pm. If you would like to know more about the event, continue reading for my interview with Devanshi and Jin.
1. Tell me about yourselves for those who may not know who you are.
Devanshi is the Executive VP of WIB and a senior at Baruch. She joined WIB in her freshman year and held roles in the marketing committee for two years. In her third year, she became VP of Philanthropy. As VP of Philanthropy, she realized she wanted to take on greater responsibility and contribute more greatly to WIB. Thus, she ran for Executive VP to fulfill those goals. Jin is the Co-chair of the POW committee and a junior at Baruch. This is her second year as a member of WIB, and in her first year, held the position of Co-chair of Graphics & IT. As a member of Graphics & IT, she could see the end results of the events created by WIB. She explains that flyers are one of these end results. This year, she joined the POW committee to learn about how events are put together before getting to the end product.
2. What is WIB CON and what does it stand for?
CON stands for Confidence Opens Networks. Initially, Devanshi came up with the idea for this event. The idea was developed with the help of the POW committee. Devanshi noticed that POW takes place during the spring semester, which means the committee does not have an event to put together during the fall semester. She wanted to put together an event that contributes to what WIB members need. Jin adds that the fall semester is recruiting season, and many members could use an event to help with their interview skills. There are already many resume and networking workshops, but both Jin and Devanshi agree that members could benefit from a workshop to help them during the interview process. They describe WIB CON as an event that supplements POW. This year’s theme and focus on interview skills was named Seal the Deal.
Devanshi and Jin hope this event becomes an annual event for WIB. As time goes on, they would also like to see the event become larger. Devanshi explains this is the first time she has helped to plan something of this scale. Every year, she hopes to see the event grow into something bigger like POW. In addition, every year there will be a different theme.
3. What should we expect to see and do at the event?
Devanshi and Jin explain that there will be three workshops with three different professionals during the event. Of the professionals, one is from STARR, another a recent Baruch graduate and the last is a Baruch graduate who is more established in the workforce. The professionals have different backgrounds with different points of views and stories to share with us. To find out who these people are, you will have to attend the event to see! Those attending, should expect to come with enthusiasm to learn and participate in the different activities planned. Devanshi and Jin want the event to be interactive and hope that attendees ask questions throughout the workshops. The goal is to come with an open mind and to learn from what the professionals have to offer.
4. What steps did you take to make this event possible? How did you work with other committees to put the event together?
The ladies explain that this event would not be possible without the help of all WIB committees. The Graphics & IT committee has helped in preparing the flyer for the event. Additionally, the committee has been very flexible in transforming ideas into a visual reality. The Marketing committee has done a great job to spread the word about the event on WIB’s various social media platforms. The POW committee as well as the board members have helped in brainstorming ideas. The Corporate Relations committee has played a big role by reaching out to corporate sponsors. The Treasury committee is the backbone of WIB, and has also greatly contributed to this event. Devanshi and Jin add that all the committees have been supportive by providing feedback to help improve the event. The ladies explain WIB CON is a major event that requires working with every committee to make the event possible. Preparing for this event has brought WIB members together. The ladies are proud of the hard work put into preparations.
Finally, Devanshi and Jin would like those attending to provide constructive feedback after the event. They want to learn from their mistakes in order to make next year’s event bigger and better. We hope you can all make it to the event!