Women in Business held an Open Board Meeting last Tuesday where about 30 members attended. It's a wonderful opportunity for WIB members to gain insight into how board meetings are run and what board members do daily.
It started out with all the board members going around and introducing themselves, by stating their name, major and position within WIB. Then, Kendra Lojano, WIB's president, led the meeting by summarizing some of the recent events, such as 'Karaoke Night', Alumnae Relations and the Professional committees’ first event. Karaoke Night was deemed a success because there was no nervous energy, it was fun, and the location was easy to find; the downfalls of the evening being that, some people didn’t show up or inform the VP that they wouldn’t be able to attend, so, they’re hoping for a better turn out next time. The next event is being held by the Internal Communications committee, it's a beginner’s Brazilian jiu-jitsu class on Friday, March 16th, 2018.
As for the Alumnae Relations event, Impressive Beginnings, hosted by almuna Erika Barahona. The wins being that the audience was engaged and willing to have conversations with the alumni. The opportunities included more committee involvement. Lastly, the wins for the Professional event, a Female’s Journey, were that the members felt comfortable networking with the professionals and it had a great topic. The downfalls, were that unfortunately, there ideal attendance and that could be because of the time of the event, which was 6 to 8.
After the introduction and sum up of the events, Lojano moved on to discuss RISE, WIB’s fundraising event to raise money for the charity, Girl Rising, this year; which is also a requirement for half-year and full-year members to attend and bring in a baked good. She also went into detail about the cosponsors and corporate sponsors for the event.
Next, Kendra spoke about POW, Pearls of Wisdom, which is WIB’s annual leadership conference on Wednesday, March 21st, which is being held in the Multi-purpose room this year, unlike past times. It is a requirement for induction as well so make sure to RSVP here!
At the end of the board meeting, board members went around acknowledging each other for their hard work and dedication towards WIB, this was called "Around the Horn and Recognition."
If you missed this open board meeting, don’t worry because there will be another chance to attend one later in the semester. So keep your eyes out for the date of that one!