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Five Things to do During Social Distancing

Electra Economopoulos

5 Things to Do During Social Distancing

During the time of social distancing, it can be easy to feel unproductive, lazy, and even upset. However, these 5 tips are fun and creative ways to ensure you do not lose your spark!

1. Work on the project you have been putting off.

Whether it be cleaning out your closet or painting your room, now is the time to get started. It is hard to stay at home all day, but it can be so much better when you have something to keep you interested. Watching Netflix all day is fun, but sometimes you need to be a little more active. I have been meaning to clean out the inside of my car thoroughly, and I finally got started on it this week. It feels cathartic and is really helpful for killing time. Plus, once school starts up again you might not have as much time to complete these tasks, so you can alleviate that stress now.

2. Write, Write, Write!

Journaling, writing poetry, or even writing songs are unique ways to keep yourself entertained while social distancing. Sometimes you might start to feel like you are desperate for more interaction, and that is the best time to start writing! Write about your thoughts, your hopes, your worries, and your accomplishments. Writing all of this down can help release any negative energy you might be harboring and refresh your mind.

3. Learn a New Skill.

Learning a new skill gives you something to look forward to every day, and it gives you something to show for your time in quarantine. You can learn ASL, another language, a new recipe, knitting, crocheting, and more! During times when we have to juggle school, work, and club commitments, it seems like we are always overwhelmed and too busy to try anything new. To make the best of the current situation, now is the time to finally pick up that new skill you have been thinking about!

4. Read a New Book or Re-Read a Favorite.

Something that never goes out of style is your favorite book. No matter how many times you read it, you never get sick of it. After re-reading your favorite, try reading a book that is different from what you usually read. Especially in stressful times like these, reading inspirational or self-help books will improve your daily attitude.

5. Remember to focus on YOU.

Sometimes you need to be a little selfish… and there is nothing wrong with that! Selfishness does not have to be a bad thing. Taking care of your mind and body are important factors to maintain your positivity as much as you possibly can. Meditation is one extremely popular method of improving awareness and mindfulness, which is perfect for high-stress situations. After meditating, try out a face mask and give yourself a spa day once or twice a week to help calm your nerves. Finally, stretch and exercise as much as you can. Exercising can be hard, especially if there is not enough space in your apartment or house, so if you cannot exercise, at the very least be sure to stretch your neck and back. Looking at a screen all day can give you aches and pains that can ruin your day and make you want to spend all of your time in bed. To prevent this, work on reminding yourself to stand up and walk every 15-30 minutes while working on the computer or phone.

In the end, safety and health are of utmost importance so be sure to do all that you can to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. However, keep in mind that social distancing does not have to mean isolation and boredom. The above tips are perfect for keeping you engaged and active at home.




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