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Baruch WIB

By: Katie Giannetto

Style Your Success Fashion Show was successful last Thursday! The turn out was huge and the models got to present their amazing fashion. From business casual to the personality segment, the show was great! Thank you to Lana and the SYS committee for creating such a memorable night!


All proceeds from this fashion show went to the American Cancer Society. There was a huge turnout and a lot of money was raised for charity! The auction prizes which included prizes from various sponsors also helped in this fund for charity. This event has been held every year for the past 15 years! This was a fun event with a great cause!

Fashion Segments 

The theme I love New York was portrayed perfectly in each and every one of the segments. I loved how the models made each outfit reflect off of themselves! Segments included, business casual, business professional, day to night, and the personality segment. The models did a wonderful job and the outfits were exquisite! The last segment was a clothing line called “Pretty Girls Go to College.” The different segments were amazing ideas and I loved the various clothing choices. This was a fun way to show what different outfits are appropriate for different functions and times of the day! My personal favorite was the personality segment. I loved how the models got to show their own personalities and let it shine off of the stage. All of the models definitely made the night even more fun and the night wouldn’t have been possible without them!

Live Performance 

A fashion show isn’t a fashion show without music: DJ WM had the best song choices all night! Each song went with the segment and it made everything better. Arguably, music is the one thing that helps everything flow. He wasn’t the only one playing music though, we also had a live performance by Cherry Haze! The incorporation of live music was amazing. They were definitely the right choice as they all have amazing voices and music! Not only was the music amazing, the hosts were everything. They had personality, they were funny, and they were the lead of the entire fashion show! With the incorporation of the music and hosts, the fashion show was 10 times better!

Auction Prizes

Auction prizes ranged from bowling, to painting, to food. The choice of sponsors and prizes were amazing. If I could have all of these prizes, I would. The hosts introduced the auction prizes wonderfully and the bidders really had competition. The fun of each of them going back and forth was fun to watch. 

The fashion show was a smashing success! I loved everything about it and thoroughly enjoyed it. Lana and the SYS committee did a fantastic job of putting everything together. Each segment, auction prize, host, and music pulled everything together and made the event fun. I can’t wait to see what this committee has up their sleeve for next year's event!





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Collegiate Association of Women in Business
Baruch College. 
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