With all of our lives being heavily dictated and impacted by the pandemic, it is likely to
go through periods where we feel like we are stuck in a rut. In fact, it’s probable to feel
like life is repetitive, or there are simply less exciting things to look forward to. However,
with a few changes and actions, there is hope to get out of this trapped, negative state!
How do we know we are stuck in a rut? There are some feelings and tendencies which
we must look out for.
This includes:
- Being unmotivated
- Every day feels the same
- Hesitance to work on yourself
- Distancing yourself from loved ones
While these feelings are classified as “ruts” the severity of them and tendency is mild
compared to mood disorders such as persistent depressive disorder (PDD).
Now that we’ve described what the signs of being in a rut are let’s get into how to get out
of one.
Sleep: While we might be busy and have many tasks to do, attempting to sleep at least 7
hours will let your mind and body be adequately rested. A rested mind will be less
susceptible to irritability and brain fog.
Reward yourself: Every day you should make sure to reward yourself whether it a 20-
minute YouTube break, a coffee break, or an hour talking with your friend on the phone.
Normalize being kind to yourself.
Socialize: While it is hard and risky to socialize with people during COVID-19, calling a
friend on facetime, talking to your family at home, participating in a WIB event, are all
examples of effective socializing. No matter what we’re going through, taking your mind
off of things and talking to people will always make you feel better!
Exercise: Although it is sometimes difficult to motivate ourselves to be physically
active, it is scientifically proven that exercise improves various forms of mental health
and releases dopamine. Exercising will not only make you feel more energized for the
day but more focused and confident.
Go Outside: It’s very easy in this current time to stay home and feel as if going outside
is a hassle. However, going outside will change your setting, and force you to be active,
soak in some sunlight, and breathe some fresh air. This will overall result in you feeling
fresher and better.
Meditation & Affirmations: One of the most potent tools in improving your mental
state is meditation and affirmations. Meditation helps you feel more focused and
combats negative thoughts and overthinking. Affirmations alleviate the tendency to say
mean and negative things to ourselves, and overall uplifts us. According to different
studies, meditations and affirmations are most effective in the morning when we wake
up, and right before going to sleep.
I hope all of these suggestions and tips help and always remember there is hope for
better days!