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Ways to Spend Your Summer

Arianna Verapen

The air getting warmer and the classes feeling even longer signals the end of this spring semester

and the start of summer break. Online classes were not the easiest this semester, but we all made

it through! After finishing up the last few months jam-packed with assignments and tests, it is

finally time for a break. Whether or not you have a job or internship lined up for this summer, it

is important you take time for yourself. Below I made a list of activities you can pick up this


1. Starting reading new books

Summer is the perfect time to find new books to read. I find it difficult to read new books

during the semester because I already have readings for my classes and when I do have

free time it is hard to find a good book to read. Reading keeps your mind sharp and it is a

fun way to learn something new. If you are looking for reading recommendations, check

out one of the previous blog posts “Book Recommendations for Spring” by Niezum


2. Take on a creative project

Our day-to-day routines are often focused on school and work and we rarely make time

for our hobbies. Taking up an art project is an enjoyable way to spend your time. Some

projects include painting, drawing, and writing. There is never a wrong way to be

creative so any project allows you to truly express yourself. While you are taking up a

project I recommend listening to a podcast. Podcasts are informative and easy to listen to

while you are busy doing a project.

3. Do some exercise

Exercising at home can be limited if you do not own a lot of equipment, however, that is

no problem. YouTube offers lots of easy workout videos that can cater to any type of

workout you want to do. Having a video as a lead makes it easier to stay active and be fit

and they can be motivational. You could also learn about new exercise habits that you can

adapt into your daily routines such as yoga, which can help you relax.

4. Make an at-home garden

You do not need to have a green thumb to make a garden. Starting off with a small desk

plant is an easy way to get into the habit of taking care of plants. Some easy-to-care-for

plants include aloe vera, succulents, cacti, and jade plants. Another idea is starting an

indoor herb garden. You can purchase the supplies online from websites that sell starter

kits or go to any store that sells seeds, dirt, and pots. You can also customize the type of

herbs you want to grow and some types include cilantro, thyme, basil, and sage.

5. Learn to make a new recipe

Trying to cook or bake something new may seem intimidating, however, you can look up

simple recipes online. TikTok has many videos where there is a visual tutorial on how to

cook specific meals. Learning new recipes can be a fun way to experiment while also

having a delicious end result. If you have an indoor herb garden, you can use those herbs

you grow in the meals you make! Or even if you want to switch your daily coffee, you

can try something new like matcha.

6. Spend some time volunteering

Especially now with COVID, there are tons of ways to volunteer virtually without having

to leave your room! You can search up specific organizations you know and see if they

have any opportunities to help, or you can find a new place. Volunteering can consist of

using your skills and free time to help an organization in need. Some examples of

organizations that have opportunities to volunteer online include The Smithsonian

Institution where you can help transcribe historical documents and Zooniverse where you

can help researchers sort through data.

7. Update your resume and LinkedIn

In your free time, you can look over your resume and LinkedIn profile to see if you want

to make any improvements, or even create a resume or LinkedIn if you have not already.

Having a strong resume can set you apart when applying for internships and jobs.

Looking over your formatting and bullet points can help you perfect your resume.

Likewise, LinkedIn is a great platform for connecting with people you know and with

those in an industry you want to be in one day. Having an up-to-date profile can help you

as you seek opportunities and make connections.





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