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WIB Events

Baruch WIB

By: Katie Giannetto

Karaoke Night 

Karaoke night last Thursday was so much fun! I love all of the events the internal communications committe comes up with! Karaoke night was a good time to get to know other members and sing our hearts out. This was one of the internal communication events that I was looking forward to, and it did not disappoint. I got out of my comfort zone by going and met the sweetest people, I hope all of the other members who went had just as much fun as I did! I can’t wait to see the next event the internal communications committee has planned!

Athena Opening Dinner

Athena members got the chance to go to the athena opening dinner and meet their mentor! The athena program is really helpful and gives women a chance to connect with other people while also learning valuable information. It started off with a nice icebreaker and pizza! The icebreaker was a good way to get people talking. The questions were thought provoking. It helped to get members to find commonality and get to know each other! Mentees and mentors get to go to planned events and even participate in the scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt is a great way to bond with their mentor, while also having a little bit of competitive fun. If you haven’t already joined Athena, it is always a great opportunity. The mentorship committee did an amazing job pairing up mentees and mentors and planned their event perfectly! I can not wait for the next event they have planned!

I love to go to the events women in business offers, it’s a great way to make friends and connect with other people! These were two of the bigger night events that happened this past week. I found them to be fun and informative, while also being a great way to meet new peo





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Collegiate Association of Women in Business
Baruch College. 
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