Oftentimes, it might be difficult to remain motivated. Productivity is essential for home and work success,
so what are some ways you can stay on top of your tasks and not get distracted? Below are some methods
you can try out to work smarter, not harder!
Productivity Systems
The most efficient way to stay organized and productive is through systems, such as GTD (Getting
Things Done by David Allen), which is a personal productivity methodology that redefines how you
approach your life and work. The five steps for GTD are the following:
1. Capture - Collect what needs your attention and write, record, or gather all the necessary
information using a collection tool (planner, notepad, etc.).
2. Clarify - Process what this means. Are you able to act on this project or task? If so, decide what
the next steps are. If not, decide if this project or task should be put on hold, trashed, or developed
into a more actionable thing.
3. Organize - Ensure that your reminders and plans are categorized in the right places for easy
4. Reflect - Consistently update and review the contents to regain control and focus throughout your
time frame.
5. Engage - Use your system to finally take appropriate actions and make decisions with confidence
and clarity.
Bullet Journaling
Recently, bullet journals (also known as bujo) have emerged as a preferred productivity system and tool
for many individuals. Referred to as “an analog system in the digital world,” the system is easily
adaptable to fit what works best for the person using the system. Not only does it act as an organizational
tool for your personal life, but it can also be used frequently for business tasks. The key elements of a bullet
journal include:
1. A page numbered journal - The system utilized an index to keep track of what’s in the book for
easy navigation. The style, colors. lining and overall features of the bullet journal solely rely on
your own preference, so make sure you find a journal that best suits you!
2. An index of what is on each section of your journal - Once you have a numbered journal, the
index created aids you with organizing what is put into your journal within categories or sections.
3. Key symbols used - Although you are free to alter your key symbols or utilize a unique set
created by you, the official Bullet Journal uses symbols such as a dot for a task, x for a completed task, < for task scheduled, > for task migrates, o for event, -- for notes, * for priority, and ! for
highlighting important notes or ideas that you need to refer back to in the near future.
Overall, the most important factor with productivity is ensuring that the method works best for you and
will continue to do so on a continuous basis. Once you find the perfect match, productivity becomes