Ashleigh-Jo Hamilton
Mar 3, 2019
February's Rising Star 🎇
Meet Jennifer Laloma, our Most Valuable Member for the month of February. Jennifer is an accounting major with a double minor in both...

Daniela Radhaykissoon
Nov 25, 2018
Staying Mentally Sane During Finals
It's time to face the horrid reality of what is to occur next month… FINALS! We have just gotten comfortable and nestled in our holiday...

Caitlin Quain
May 6, 2018
April MVM: Lea Jang
From running Women in Business' Instagram account to helping put on one of WIB's largest events of the year, Lea Jang has done a wide...

Ashley Jodah
Apr 22, 2018
Fundraising Event #2: Games Day
It was that time of the year. Everyone was cramming for midterms, substituting coffee for food, and cutting any sort of social activities...